USB1 on:
sudo strato usb1 on
USB1 off:
sudo strato usb1 off
GPIO0 and GPIO1 return the fault state of USB1 and USB2. These lines will be high in
normal conditions, or low when a fault is present.
Print “1” if there is a fault on USB2, “0” if not:
sudo strato usb2 fault; echo $?
Secure element
Strato Pi CM embeds the ATECC608A or ATECC608B (depending on production lot)
secure element chip from Microchip. The chip is connected to the Raspberry Pi Compute
Module via the I2C bus (default address: 0x60).
Its key features are:
Cryptographic co-processor with secure hardware-based key storage
Protected storage for up to 16 Keys, certificates or data
Hardware support for asymmetric sign, verify, key agreement – ECDSA: FIPS186-3
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
ECDH: FIPS SP800-56A Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
NIST standard P256 elliptic curve support
Hardware support for symmetric algorithms
SHA-256 & HMAC hash including off-chip context save/restore
AES-128: encrypt/decrypt, Galois field multiply for GCM
Networking key management support
Turnkey PRF/HKDF calculation for TLS 1.2 & 1.3
Ephemeral key generation and key agreement in SRAM – Small message
encryption with keys entirely protected
Secure boot support
Full ECDSA code signature validation, optional stored digest/signature –
optional communication key disablement prior to secure boot
Encryption/Authentication for messages to prevent on-board attacks
Internal high-quality FIPS 800-90 A/B/C Random Number Generator (RNG)
Two high-endurance monotonic counters
Guaranteed unique 72-bit serial number.
Strato Pi CM User Guide