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, All rights reserved.
Gen4 nonstandard options
Less common modules we can special order include Z-wave, RS-232, USB to DE9 serial, and serial to
Ethernet adapters. Just in case you NEED to drop the screen using your iPod from work.
Somfy control
The Somfy motor option comes with a ~24” control cable with a little phone handset plug on the end.
These smart motors can be controlled many different ways.
Somfy 4-connector splitter
A great little piece of hardware is this 4-connector splitter. You can
easily plug in the motor control cable, and then branch off to other
devices such as an IR receiver, RF receiver, or directly wire dry
contacts. As outlined above in the Gen4 motor control box instructions,
you can directly wire a
wall switch into these terminals, or
you can program relay control for 0.5 seconds or less closure. We will
have already programmed the direction option into the motor, so “up” is
up and “down” is down.
Somfy IR control
Simply plug the IR receiver onto either the motor control cable, or into a jack in the splitter. Somfy IR
codes are easily found in your universal remote library, typically in the “appliance” section, since they’re
typically associated with shade controls. If you need the IR remote, we have those as well.
Somfy RF control
For RF control, either plug the receiver directly onto the motor control cable, or into a jack in the splitter.
You’ll need a RF remote, which we have in three colors. You’ll also likely need a control cable, which
we make in white or black by the foot.