- cappuccino
- espresso macchiato
- latte macchiato
- coffee mocha
All these speciality coffees are based on the use of frothy milk and freshly brewed espresso,
the preparation of which has been previously described. Hints and recipes follow.
1 black espresso capsule (50 ml)
50 to 80 ml whole milk (unskimmed)
Cocoa powder for decoration
- Draw a freshly brewed espresso into a pre-heated espresso or cappuccino cup.
- Froth the milk until sufficient foam has formed.
- Top up the espresso with liquid hot milk.
- Use a tablespoon to add a milk frothy head to the espresso.
- Sprinkle some cocoa powder on the frothy head and serve the cappuccino right away.
Espresso macchiato
1 black espresso capsule (50 ml)
1 to 2 tablespoons whole milk (unskimmed)
- Draw a freshly brewed espresso into a pre-heated espresso or cappuccino cup.
- Froth the milk until sufficient foam has formed.
- Add a few single tablespoons of frothy milk to the espresso to give it a flecked (ital.
‘macchiato’) appearance.
Latte macchiato
1 black espresso capsule (50 ml)
100 to 120 ml whole milk (unskimmed)
- Fill a tall, slim glass to just over half with cold milk. Ensure that the glass fits under the
- Start frothing the milk in the glass until it is sufficiently warm and a nice head of foam
has developed. (To cool down the unit quickly for making espresso, follow the
instructions on page 27.)
- Allow the espresso to be delivered straight into the glass. The typical layered effect will
develop automatically.
- Serve the glass with a long spoon for stirring.
Coffee mocha
1 black espresso capsule (50 ml)