3) Click the Backup Nowbutton to start backing up the data.
1) Connect the AUTOID
product to the PC.
2) Turn off all running programs on the PC and AUTOID
3) Start the PC’s ActiveSync window and click Tools in the menu
bar and then Backup/Restore.
4) Click the Restoretabin the window, and choose Restore Nowbutton
to start restoring.
5) After the restoring is completed, disconnect the connection and turn
off the device to boot.
Note: During the restoring process, please do not use the device and cutt
off the power supply to avoid data loss.
Chinese name of Appcenter V2.0 is Application Management Center,
which is a unified management of the application tools. Appcenter V2.0
is the management system application and third-party application. The
specific features is introduced in detail below!
1) Desktop