Danger sign 996745 - red zone
WARNING! Disconnect power supply before entering
high risk area for maintenance or adjustments.
Standing in danger zone during operation may cause
serious injury or death.
Warning sign 996746 - red and yellow zone
Be careful! High voltage. Disconnect power supply
before opening control cabinet.
Warning sign 996763 - red zone
Be careful! Crushing hazard that may cause serious
injury or death! Keep distance when machine is
Warning sign 996766 - red zone
Be careful! All covers must be closed when machine
is running. Fingers and limbs can be damaged if they
are in contact with rotating parts.
Warning sign 7996765 - red and yellow zone
Be careful! Keep distance to running equipment. Do
not stand in hazard area during startup or operation.
Objects may be thrown out of machine during
Warning sign 996760 - red and yellow zone
Be careful! Make sure you read and understand the
instruction manual before startup, maintenance and
adjustments are made.