WiSnap User Manual 4.41 05282015-ML
Page 69
AD-HOC mode - The command
set ad-hoc probe x
is now used to set a threshold for the number of consecutive missed probe
responses allowed before declaring “AD-HOC is Lost” and setting the network interface to be down. Default is 5 probes. A setting
set ad-hoc probe 0
will disable this function. Some Ad-hoc stations do not reliably respond to probes and so this value higher
avoids intermittent loss of connectivity.
DHCP cache - The
set ip dhcp 3
command is now used to enable DHCP address caching. Once caching is turned on, the initial
DHCP settings are stored in NVRAM. This is most useful in battery systems, when using the sleep mode. Upon waking from sleep,
as long as the DHCP lease time is still valid and the WiSnap is associated to the same AP, DHCP caching does not survive a power
cycle or usage of the hardware reset pin.
ARP table cache - The
set ip flags 0x20
command is now used to enable ARP table caching. Once caching is turned on, any ARP
table settings are backed up to NVRAM before sleep. Upon waking from sleep, the ARP cache is loaded. ARP table caching does
not survive a power cycle or usage of the hardware reset pin.
DNS host address cache - The
set ip flags 0x10
command enables DHCP address caching. Once caching is turned on, the initial
DHCP settings are stored in NVRAM. This is most useful in battery systems, when using the sleep mode. Upon waking from sleep,
as long as the DHCP lease time is valid and the WiSnap is associated to the same AP, DNS caching does not survive a power cycle
or usage of the hardware reset pin.
UART break detect enables sleep - The command
set uart mode 8
enables break detection on the UART RX pin. Once Break is
detected (a consistent low value on RX pin), WiSnap waits for the UART RX pin to return to a high value before going to sleep.
UART NOECHO mode - The command
set uart mode 1
is now used to disable echoing of RX chars while in command mode. This
is useful when embedded controllers are used to send commands to the module. NOTE: For consistency, the command prompt
response <2.xx> now also contains \r\n appended string when in this mode.
As of Version 2.12 9/17/2009
Fixed problem with some newer 802.11n - association attempts cause module to crash/reboot. (Such as Linksys WRT160NL)
Fixed problem with send on match character i.e.
set comm match
. Match char is now operational.
During an open TCP session, a second incoming connection would be accepted. Second connection is now accepted but then
immediately closed.
Hardware flow control is now supported. To enable, use the
set uart flow 1
DHCP renew and rebind is fully supported. Previously, DHCP renew/rebind would update IP settings, and if a TCP session was
active it would enter a hung state. TCP connections now survive a DHCP renew/rebind.
TCP connection password - This optional password is enabled with the command
set opt pass
Incoming connections will
be challenged and the stored password must be matched or the connection will be closed.
UART instant baud rate - The
set uart instant
command immediately changes the baud rate. This is useful when testing
baud rate settings, or switching baud rate “on the fly” remotely while connected over TCP.
Analog interface commands - The
show q
command will now enable and show the digital value of the analog interface pins. See
section 18.
Version 2.11 9/8/2009 – Limited release (please update to 2.12 or later) As of Version 2.10 8/14/2009
Added a 250ms guard band in parsing of
. The module now looks for three
, and only three
within a 250ms period
with no additional characters following for 250 ms. Do not send \cr or \lf after the
Fixed problem with UART dropping data. In cases with large data transfers (>100KB) the UART would become over whelmed and
drop data.
We no longer pass serial data received into the UART back over telnet when in remote command mode.
User specified default configuration - You can now specified a USER configuration as the factory reset settings. The function of
PIO9 has been changed slightly. See section 19.1.
Configurable Device ID – There is now an additional user programmable device ID that can be used for storing serial numbers,
product name, device type or other information. The device ID is part of the broadcast “hello” UDP message that the module
sends out to identify itself. Use the command
show deviceid
to display the current setting. For more information on using this
command see the “set optional” section command.
UDP broadcast packet – By default the WiSnap module now sends out a UDP broadcast to on port 55555 at a
programmable interval. The broadcast address, port and interval are set using the set broadcast commands. See section 11.