2. A Simple WiMAX gateway Implementation
Included in the software development package is the sample WiMAX gateway implementation. The target
system has a WiMAX interface at one end and a Ethernet interface at the other end. The embedded
connection manager automatically makes a connection to the WiMAX network whenever it detects one. The
IP layer is configured to perform NAT so that the host in the inner (private) network can connect to internet
via external WiMAX network.
The implementation also includes a simple HTTPD daemon so that some of the device configuration can be
changed using the web browser from the host in the private network.
2.1. WiMAX Connection Manager
The WiMAX connection manager is responsible for the following:
Monitor the WiMAX device state
Initiate the connection
EAP supplicant (in preparation, only limited support for EAP-AKA with USIM)
Configure the WiMAX device.
IP configuration of WiMAX device.
The developer can change various parameters that affect the behavior of WiMAX device and the connection
manager. This is done by editing /etc/wcm.conf file. Controlling WiMAX connection manager by this file is
explained with example cases in section 5.3.
The connection manager reads this file on startup and performs the necessary actions. In addition, one can list
up the GCT WiMAX text DM commands in [DM command] section so that the connection manager executes
these commands in batch mode.
2.2. Connection Manager User Interface
The WiMAX connection manager provides command line user interface, whereby the user can execute
WiMAX commands on the terminal. By default, the WiMAX connection manager runs in the “monitoring
mode”, where it
[WiBro device]
mac_address=00:0a:3b:f0:10:50 /* Sets the WiMAX device MAC address */
[WiBro connection]
/* The connection manager automatically tries to connect to the network whenever it discovers the available network
/* If dhcp_enable is set to YES, the connection manager runs DHCP client to acquire IP configurations from the
network. Otherwise, the IP informations should be statically configured */
[WiBro authentication]