Instructions for installation and use
p. 18/20
Software update
The software used by your web server can be updated here. You can
choose between
Manual software update
Automatic software
. When set to automatic update, an online search is performed for
the latest software (only when connected to the Internet). To update the
software manually, click on
Select file
and select the update file you have
saved (system.bin). The latest software can be found in the download
area of our website www.sentiotec.com. Then click on
Start upload
load the file onto the web server. To ensure all changes are activated,
the web server must then be rebooted. After the update, deleting the
browser data from you browser is recommended so that all changes are
visible straight away.
A logo of your own can be selected and loaded to the server here. This
logo is only displayed when access is local. Depending on the Internet
browser, it make take some time until the logo is displayed.
Change password
The password can be changed here.
Online access
Web access can be activated and deactivated here (VPN).
Online test
This is used to test the Internet connection for web access.
Version information
The serial number of the web server, the licence number, and the software
version of your web server are displayed here.
Clicking on
Restart control unit
reboots the web server (e.g. after
changing settings or in the event of problems). This process can take
up to one minute.