Instructions for installation and use
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5.3. Setting up WEB access
Once your web server has been integrated into a network that provides access
to the Internet, the Internet can be used to access your sauna control unit from
anywhere in the world. Prerequisite for this is a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc. that
is also connected to the Internet.
Before you start setting up the web server for Internet access, conducting an
online test is recommended. Using your local network, open the system settings
of the web server and start the item “
Online Test
If this test proceeds successfully, then the connection to the Internet is
intact and you can continue with logging in.
The following Internet address is used to access the log-in page for your web
The next step involves entering the serial number of your web server and the
password for the server. By default, the password for the server is
The serial number can be found on the device sticker applied to the rear
of the web server.
To prevent misuse, you should change the password after logging in for
the first time. This is only possible using local access. See
6.4. System
settings on page 17
If a connection was set up successfully, the main window of the web app
opens. Continue with item
6. Operation on page 13