Step 7: Troubleshooting
Doc 6001536, Rev C
Step 7: Troubleshooting
Check for these problems first:
1. Faulty Cable connections.
Check the wiring information section,
, starting on page 16.
2. Overloaded Power Supply.
The power supply board inside the EMC is only designed to provide 12VDC (up to 1 amp) to the
controller board and two (2) reader devices. It is not intended to supply power to electric door strikes
or maglocks; these devices require their own separate, dedicated power sources. Powering electric
strikes or maglocks from the EMC power supply board may cause improper operation of, or damage
to, the EMC board and/or power supply.
Possible Problems
Problem 1: EMC Power LED indicator is not on.
Check power. It could be a defective power supply.
Check wiring from power supply to EMC.
You may have a possible polarity problem. Be sure that the plus (+) lead from the power supply is
inserted into the plus (+) power connection point on the EMC board. Likewise, check that the
negative (-) power supply is inserted into the ground connection point on the EMC board.
Problem 2: Cards are not being read.
Card reader will ‘beep’ when successfully read and sent to the EMC.
Does the reader ‘beep’ when the card is presented?
If not, swipe the card on another reader. If the other reader ‘beeps’ the card, check the first
reader’s wiring.
Problem 3A: The EMWin software does not recognize an EMC.
Verify that the EMC is powered up; refer to
Step 5: Power and Test the EM3000 System
Verify that all EMCs have unique address DIP switch settings and that all are sequentially
numbered; refer to Figure 26 on page 26.
Verify the RS-485 connections between all EMCs; refer to Figure 18 (page 20) and Figure 25
(page 25).