MIW-HPS-X-2-EN-000 - 14 / 03 / 2017
14 - 15
Holding register 29
contains the value of the ‘Power-up timer’ before setting the
alert and range limit flags. The default value is 60 s. During this interval the alerts
and range limits are not compared with the current differential pressure / volume /
velocity and alert and range limit flags registers remain ‘0’. You can change the value
in this register only within the first 60 s after you have switched on your unit.
Holding register 30
holds the K-factor. Enter the K-factor of the used fan / drive,
if it is known (check the datasheets of the selected fan / drive). The default value
is ‘0’, and you are allowed to write values in the range of 0—1.000. Writing values
out of this range does not change anything in this register.
Holding register 31
is not used. When addressed, it returns “0”.
Holding register 32
specifies if the device is an end device on the line or not via
connecting the NBT.
Holding register 33
holds information about the current altitude varying from “0”
to “5.000”. The default value is ‘0‘, i.e. 0 m.
Holding register 34
enables air velocity readout. If the value is ‘0’, air velocity
readout is disabled and if the value is ‘1’, air velocity readout is enabled and it is
accessible in input register 5. PSET-PTX-200 Pitot tube is necessary.
Holding register 35
is used for calculation of the volume flow rate when K-factor
is not known. This register accepts values from 0 to 32.000. When the value is 0,
it is not used, if in use it takes values from 1 to 32.000 corresponding to the duct
cross sectional area in cm
Holding register 36
is not used. When addressed, it returns “0”.
Holding register 37
is used to define if the LED display will be on or off.
Holding registers 38
defines the operating modes, i.e. differential pressure,
volume flow rate or air velocity.
Holding register 39
is not used. When addressed, it returns “0”.
Holding register 40
is used for sensor recalibration.
HPS-X -2