Neon Family
User Manual
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Logged data format
Logged data, when emailed, is attached to the email as a .csv file of fixed data format to assist with importing into different
applications. Each log entry is on a line of its own in the CSV file.
Each line has the data fields comma delimitated and formatted as
<date>,<time>,<temperature state>,<temperature>,<humidity state>,<humidity>
<date> is the date in date format set on the time page. Day and month both have a leading zero inserted when required so
that that this field is always 10 characters in length. Day, month and year are always separated by a “–” (minus sign).
<time> is the time in the time format set on the time page. Hours, minutes and seconds are always presented as two digits
and have leading zeros inserted as necessary so that this field is always fixed in length. Hours, minutes and seconds are
always separated by a “:” (colon). If 12 hour time format is used, the time will be followed by a space and then AM or PM
and the field will be 11 characters in length. If a 24 hour time format is used this field will be 8 characters in length.
<temperature state> indicates the state of the temperature measurement. This is always a single character and is either “L”
indicating that it is an normal logged value, “A” indicating that the temperature was in alarm when logged, or “P” indicating
that it is the value at power up.
<temperature> is the measured temperature taken at the date and time stamp of the line entry. The temperature will always
have a sign followed by 3 integer digits, the decimal place, and then 2 fraction digits making the field always 7 characters
long. Leading and trailing zeros are used as necessary to ensure that the field is always of fixed length.
<humidity state> indicates the state of the humidity measurement. This is always a single character and is either “L”
indicating that it is an normal logged value, “A” indicating that the humidity was in alarm when logged, or “P” indicating
that it is the value at power up.
<humidity> is the measured humidity taken at the date and time stamp of the line entry. The humidity will always have a
sign followed by 3 integer digits, the decimal place, and then 2 fraction digits making the field always 7 characters long.
Leading and trailing zeros are used as necessary to ensure that the field is always of fixed length.
An example log file, starting with a power up event will therefore look like this
11-06-2013,10:49:49 AM,P,+024.65,P,+034.86
11-06-2013,10:50:49 AM,L,+024.52,L,+035.22
11-06-2013,10:51:49 AM,L,+024.49,L,+035.35
11-06-2013,10:52:49 AM,L,+024.50,L,+035.51
11-06-2013,10:53:49 AM,L,+024.50,L,+035.52