FA 45 GB - 068-13836 - 12.07.2006_00
Einlegeblatt FA45
Mounting and operating instructions
E 19
7. Secondary result (Position / String compare) also useable with logical
(Objectdetection only)
The logical combination of configurations effects the primary result (Pattern, …) as also now the secondary
result (Position / String compare)
8. Timing functions > 255ms
All Timing functions now can be set to max. 3.000 ms.
9. Permanent illumination with external light
With the parmeter setting „Illumination = External permanent“ the external illumination is lightning permanently.
In this mode the internal illumination is shut off.
10. Picture Zoom + Editing of frames in the picture
With the Zoom function in the window “Picture” the sensor picture can be displayed magnified in scale 2:1 and
the also displayed frames of the different fields can be edited.