GuidePort: System Manual
27. November 2000
Seite 17
Identifier Transmitter
The Identifier transmits a binary code, which enables the GuidePort receivers to identify
the audio event belonging to it. The identifier transmitter is programmable via a palmtop
with the necessary GuidePort software. The parameters to be programmed are
identifier number, transmission power, and the times for switching the identifier
transmission on and off.
The Identifier is fitted with two LEDs which indicate its operating states (see below).
Functions and Electrical Parameters
Operation indicator:
Time Management will automatically switch the
identifier on, the green LED will start flashing for
about 30 minutes. Operation will be possible for at
least 12 hrs.
Low battery warning:
If the green LED does not flash after switching the
identifiers on, the batteries are flat. Please replace.
Data storage time without batteries
3 min. (for replacing the batteries)
Automatic off function:
Time Management will switch the transmission off
automatically, while the data storage remains on
(data integrity). The red LED will light up briefly.
Time Management:
Max. deviation per year: 0.5 h. Time Management is
programmed and checked via the IrDa interface.
Programming interface:
IrDa interface, reading and programming of data
protocol, clock, RF output power and burst rate.
RF output power:
Programmable via IrDa interface, adjustable in steps
of 10% between 10% and 100%
Possibility of connecting an induction loop via internal screw terminals
Max. cable length between transmitter and induction loop: 10 m
Max. burst period of protocol: 1 s or 0.5 s, switchable via IrDa