Stereo Microphone Techniques
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X/Y (Coincident Pair) technique
Use the cardioid capsules� Since the capsules are placed close together, the
stereo image won’t be as wide as the A/B or M/S techniques�
Place the two microphones at an angle between 90° and 135° so that
the two capsules are very close to each other but not touching�
The ideal configuration is to have the microphones placed vertically
so that one capsule is directly above the other� However, placing
the microphones side by side will also deliver satisfactory results�
The wider the angle is, the wider the stereo image will be�
Send the mono signal from each microphone to its own track�
If you are mixing the two tracks down to a mono track, you will not encounter the
potential phase cancellation issues that can occur in the other mic techniques�