number of routers it has passed through exceeds its time-to-live value.
InParmProbs, OutParmProbs :
Specifies the number of parameter-problem messages received or sent. A parameter-problem
message is sent to the originating computer when a router or host detects an error in a
datagram’s IP header.
InSrcQuenchs, OutSrcQuenchs :
Specifies the number of source quench messages received or sent. A source quench request is
sent to a computer to request that it reduces its rate of packet transmission.
InRedirects, OutRedirects :
Specifies the number of redirect messages received or sent. A redirect message is sent to the
originating computer when a better route is discovered for a datagram sent by that computer.
InEchos, OutEchos :
Specifies the number of echo requests received or sent. An echo request causes the receiving
computer to send an echo reply message back to the originating computer.
InEchoReps, OutEchoReps :
Specifies the number of echo replies received or sent. A computer sends an echo reply in
response to receiving an echo request message.
InTimestamps, OutTimestamps :
Specifies the number of time-stamp requests received or sent. A time-stamp request causes the
receiving computer to send a time-stamp reply back to the originating computer.
InTimestampReps, OutTimestampReps :
Specifies the number of time-stamp replies received or sent. A computer sends a time-stamp
reply in response to receiving a time-stamp request. Routers can use time-stamp requests and
replies to measure the transmission speed of datagrams on a network.
InAddrMasks, OutAddrMasks :
Specifies the number of address mask requests received or sent. A computer sends an address
mask request to determine the number of bits in the subnet mask for its local subnet.
InAddrMaskReps, OutAddrMaskReps :
Specifies the number of address mask responses received or sent. A computer sends an address
mask response in response to an address mask request.