[root@MSP1000 /]# editconf
Welcome to MSP1000 configuration page
Current Time
: 7/14/200 7 12:22:56
Serial No.
: msp1000- test1234
F/W Rev.
: v 1 .0.0
MAC Addr.(eth0) : 00:01:95:AF:BF:DD
IP Mode (eth0) : Static
IP Addr.(eth0)
: 192.168.161. 5
1. Network configuration
2. System administration
3. System status & log
4. CF card configuration
5. Monitoring
6. Save cha nges
7. Exit without saving
8. Exit and apply changes
9. Exit and reboot
<ESC> Back, <ENTER> Refresh
--> 1
Select menu 1. [Network Configuration] and then proceed to [Ethernet 0] configuration to set
up the IP address of the box. Users may set up the network configuration according to their
environment. Once network set-up is done, users may access the box through telnet/ssh
connection or via a web browser.
Network Confi guration
1. ETHERNET 0 (eth0) configuration
2. ETHERNET 1 (eth1) configuration
3. Firewall configuration
4. TCP configuration
<ESC> Back, <ENTER> Refresh
--> 1
ETHERNET 0 (eth0) configuration
1. IP mode: Static IP
2. IP address:
3. Subnetmask:
4. Gateway:
5. Primary DNS:
6. Secondary DNS:
<ESC> Back, <ENTER> Refresh
From the main menu screen, the user s may select a menu item for configuration of the Parani-
MSP1000 parameters by selecting the menu number and pressing the [ENTER] key. In the submenu
screen, users can configure the required parameters guided by online comments.
: Be sure to perform “
” and “
” command before you exit from editconf menu program.
All the parameters can be stored into the non-volatile memory space of the box, but the settings will
not be stored until users perform “
” command on the menu. All the configuration change will be
effective after entering “
” command.