2. Tap twice for
Intercom Friend 2
3. Tap three times for
Intercom Friend 3
5.3 Multi-Way Intercom
Multi-Way Intercom
enables conference-call-style conversations with up to three
Intercom Friends
at the same
time. While
Multi-Way Intercom
is in progress, mobile phone connection is temporarily disconnected. However,
as soon as
Multi-Way Intercom
terminates, the mobile phone connection will be reestablished.
5.3.1 Starting a Three-Way Intercom Conference
You (A)
can have a
Three-Way Intercom Conference
with two other
Intercom Friends (B & C)
by establishing
two intercom connections simultaneously.
1. Pair your headset (A) with those of two other
Intercom Friends (B & C).
Please refer to
Section 6.1: “Intercom
for pairing instructions.
2. Start an intercom conversation with one of the two friends in your intercom group. For example,
you (A)
start an intercom conversation with the
Intercom Friend (B).
Intercom Friend (B)
may start an intercom call
you (A).
3. Then,
you (A)
can call the second
Intercom Friend (C)
, or the second
Intercom Friend (C)
may join the
intercom by making an intercom call to
you (A).
4. Now
you (A)
and two
Intercom Friends (B & C)
are having a
Three-Way Intercom Conference
5.3.2 Starting a Four-Way Intercom Conference
With three
Intercom Friends
connected, a new participant
can make it a
Four-Way Intercom Conference
making an intercom call to either
5.3.3 Ending Multi-Way Intercom
1. Press the
Center Button
1 second
until you hear a beep to terminate all intercom connections.
2. Tap the
Center Button
to disconnect from your first
Intercom Friend
. Double tap the
Center Button
disconnect from your second
Intercom Friend
5.4 Three-Way Conference Phone Call with Intercom Users
You can have a
Three-Way Conference Phone Call
by adding an
Intercom Friend
to the mobile phone
1. During a mobile phone call, tap the
Center Button
to invite one of your
Intercom Friends
to the conversation.
2. To disconnect the intercom during a conference phone call, tap the
Center Button
3. To disconnect the mobile phone call during a conference phone call, press the
Center Button
2 seconds
When you have an incoming intercom call during a mobile phone call, you will hear a voice prompt,
Intercom requested