Revision 1.0 STD – February 2010
Page 15 of 31
© Semtech 2011
5 Configuration Registers Tabs
Unless otherwise stated all registers are updated as soon as they are written. It is recommended to cycle
through Standby Mode when changing the contents of configuration registers.
5.1 Common Configuration Registers Tab
The Common Configuration Registers tab is illustrated on the following page in Figure 14
Figure 14: Common Configuration Register Tab
the SX1233 for a full description of the configuration register functions.
Configuration register value entries can be selected from the drop down menus within the tab or entered
manually within the tab fields. Note that an invalid register entry will be highlighted by an orange
background and the GUI will automatically flag a warning exclamation. A valid register entry that leads to
an incorrect operating setting will result in that entry to be highlighted in red. Hovering a mouse or cursor
over the warning provides an explanation for the flag, as illustrated in Figure 15.
Values entered manually that do not coincide with an exact configuration will be automatically updated by
the GUI to the next valid register configuration and write that value to the appropriate configuration