Mark one pair of the scramjet tube assem-
blies 1/2” from one end. Glue the long (forward)
ends of the tubes to the main wing with 1/2” over-
hanging and one side against the outboard hous-
ing. Check that the mark is even with the trailing
edge of the wing and allow to dry.
Locate the scramjet outboard housing (3)
and sand the leading edge to a round shape. Note
that Part (3) and part (6) are identical. Apply a bead
of glue along the outermost line on one of the wing
assemblies. Align the housing so it is even with the
trailing edge of the main wing and perpendicular to
the surface.
Sand the leading edge of the intake vane (4)
round and glue it in front of the scramjet tubes and
on the lines provided on the main wing and allow
to dry.
Attach the elevons (17) to the trailing
edges of the glider wings. Use the Elevon Guide to
get the correct angle as shown.
Apply a bead of glue along the lower
wing joint. Do not use any more glue than neces-
Apply a thin bead of glue around the
small end of the shroud and attach it to the center
of the paper nose block on the end of the glider.
When it is dry, run a heavier bead around the inside
of the ring at the joint. Using a small amount of thin
CA to stiffen the shroud will increase is durability.