When the fillets have dried, prepare balsa
for a smooth professional looking finish. Fill the
wood grain with Fill’n’Finish, balsa fillercoat, or
sanding sealer, When dry, sand with fine sandpa-
per. Repeat until smooth. Don’t overdo it! Layers of
unsanded filler can add much weight!
After all balsa surfaces have been pre-
pared, wipe off all wood dust with a dry cloth. First
spray the model with an enamel primer, then spray
both the booster and glider gloss white.
Spray painting your model with a fast-
drying enamel will produce the best results. PA-
TIENCE…is the most important ingredient. Use sev-
eral thin coats, allowing each coat to completely dry
before the next coat. Start each spray a few inches
above the model and end a few inches below the
model. Keep the can about 12” away and use quick
light coats. The final coat can be a little heavier to
give the model a glossy wet-looking finish.
Glue the main wing sections (1) and (2) to-
gether from one sheet with the etched lines to the
top. Align section 2 so it achieves a square fit with
section 1. Use wax paper over a flat surface to keep
it from sticking. Repeat for the other wing and allow
the main wing assemblies to dry completely.
Apply a bead of glue along one side of one
of the BT-5T body tubes. Attach a second BT-5T to
the glue line. Align the ends and allow to dry on a
flat surface. Repeat with the other pair of BT-5T
body tubes and allow both assemblies to dry.
Stack all the like fins in groups. Line each
group up squarely and sand the fins back and forth
over some fine sandpaper to get rid of the hold-in
tabs as shown below.