The copyright to this User Manual belongs to Semi Solution.
Use or reproduction of any part or the entire content of this Manual without prior written permission from Semi Solution is strictly prohibited.
This User Manual is subject to change for the purpose of improving the performance of the product without advance notice.
Registered trademark
CHANUN is a trademark registered by Semi Solution.
In addition, the names of company and products are registered trademarks and remain the property of our company.
We have made efforts to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this document but we do not guarantee them.
The user is fully responsible for all the results arising from or in connection with the use of this information material.
The information contained in this Manual may be subject to change without prior notice.
This wireless facility may be susceptible to radio interference during operation; therefore, it cannot be used for services related to human safety.
Class A Equipment (Broadcasting and communication equipment for business use)
Distributors and users should be noted that this product has completed an electromagnetic compatibility registration for business use (Class A) and is thus intended for use in
places other than homes.