Pacific Dowser Manual
Version 5: January 2005
2004 Selecon New Zealand Limited All Rights Reserved
Operational Note
The factory default level for the dowser flags is closed (level 00). At power up with no DMX signal
present, the dowser will calibrate the flags, then move to the closed position. At power up with DMX
signal, the dowser will calibrate the flags, then move to their assigned level. If power is lost to the
dowser, the flags will remain at their last position. When power is restored, the dowser will calibrate
the flags, then move to their assigned level.
Power up Procedure
1. If the dowser and MSR ballast are on the same non dim circuit:
The MSR lamp will be not be visible onstage on power up. The recommended procedure for powerup
is to turn the luminaire on before the performance, and leave the luminaire and dowser on for the
duration of the performance.
2. If the dowser and MSR ballast are on separate non dim circuits:
The dowser can be switched independently to the ballast. If desired, the lamp can be switched on
when required, while the dowser remains on for the duration of the performance.
Important Note on Centering the Lamp
Please note that, due to the extra lens present in the dowser,
the direction of peak/flat adjust stated in the Pacific manual is
reversed when using the dowser.
Care and Maintenance
The dowser contains no user serviceable parts. For
basic cleaning, the flag assembly can be removed
from the dowser body by undoing the four machine
screws shown in the diagram.
Listed below are tips on basic maintenance that
can be performed.
Ensure mains power is disconnected before any
maintenance is undertaken
Filter/dimmer flags: These can be cleaned with a soft cloth.
Rear Lens: This can be cleaned with a soft cloth.
Front Lens: This can be cleaned with a soft cloth
Electronics PCB: This can be cleaned using a gentle blast of filtered compressed air.