Without exiting the mode of ST300 in which the suspect transmissions have been revealed, connect
headphones to the Main Unit. Put the headphones on and adjust the volume. Start monitoring the
sounds of the surrounding area.
Decrease the volume on the Test Sound Player.
Move the Test Sound Slayer slowly around the room.
By monitoring the test sound through headphones, find the location where it is the loudest. The
‘listening’ device should be close. To tell the location with more precision, the volume of the Test Sound
Player should be reduced.
The described procedure is the simplest and quickest, but it can only be used if the data sent by the
eavesdropping device is unencoded.
3.8.2. Locating a Detected Bugging Device with ST300 and a Nonlinear Junction Detector
Let us assume that there have been detected signs of bugging a cable line. These can be,
– non-linearity in the tested cable, while all the known electronics have been disconnected from it
– anomaly in the cable supposedly free of any connections or ramifications
– a suspicious signal not correlating with the test sound, yet not issuing from any of the known
connected devices.
Two members of the search team will be needed for the task, one of them to go the length of the
cable with a nonlinear junction detector, and the other to monitor the signal from the NLJD with ST300.
As the search may take the two team members far apart, make sure to have cell phones or walkie-
talkies handy.
To achieve maximum efficiency of this procedure, one should use a nonlinear junction detector of
the CAYMAN line (ST400 or ST401).
The operator of ST300 is to do the following,
Connect the Electronic Switch to the Main Unit of ST300 (1.3.3).
Disconnect all devices from the line.
Connect the line to be tested to the Electronic Switch (according to the cable type).
Turn on ST300 and go to the Start Menu (2.1 – 2.2).
Go to the main screen of the “SWITCH” mode (“F4” button).
In the “SWITCH” mode, set the wire numbers of the “suspect’ pair.
Activate the “CABLE LOCATOR” mode (“FUNC” button).
As described in 3.7.1, trace the line where signs of possible bugging have been revealed.
Switch ST300 to the “LFA” mode (“F1” button).
Connect headphones to the Main Unit of ST300, and adjust the volume. Check on the presence of
the signal from the nonlinear junction detector in the wires of the active pair. If positive, advise the
other member of the team.
The operator of the nonlinear junction detector is to do the following,
Prepare the Nonlinear Junction Detector CAYMAN (ST400 or ST401) for operation.
Activate the Nonlinear Junction Detector and set it to the “SEARCH” mode.
Commence passing the NLJD’s antenna along the cable route that has been traced with the aid of
the Cable Locator.