Menu Structure
The menu structure offers the following top-level menu entries. You enter a menu branch
with the »▶« key. The keys »▲« and »▼« let you navigate to the previous or next one. The
key »◀« leaves a menu branch so that you go to the previous or to the super-ordinated view.
A complete documentation of all WIC1 menu branches, parameters, direct commands and
values in tabular form can be found in a separat document, the “WIC1 Reference Manual".
Here you can find run-time data.
• Measured Values
• Status Display
• Recorders
• Self-Supervision
• reset
Device planning
Device planning
This will usually be your first step during commissioning:
• Within sub-menu WIC1 + DiggiMEC, you can specify
fundamental properties of your device setup. In
particular, you can define for a WIC1‑2 (with DIP
switches) or WIC1‑3 (with HEX switches) whether the
protection configuration shall be made via switches
or via DiggiMEC / Smart view.
• Within sub-menu Projected Elements, you can
activate the elements that you need, and deactivate
elements that are not needed.
• Within sub-menu Definition, you can define for each
element (if it makes sense) whether it shall operate
as a protection function (i. e. being able to trip the
circuit breaker) or as a supervision function (i. e.
issuing an alarm message instead of a trip signal).
Device Para
Device Parameters
This menu branch features all settings that are directly
related to the device, for example:
• Inputs and outputs
• (DiggiMEC) LEDs
• Settings for the automatic reset and – for some WIC1
variants – for the external reset
• Password setting
• In sub-menu Version, you can check all versioning
details about the running WIC1 firmware and
DiggiMEC firmware.
5 Navigation – Operation
5.3 Menu Structure