Network Video Recorder
’s Manual
The “recording buffer” allows user to define “pre-alarm” and “post-
alarm” time for event recordings. The “pre-alarm” time sets the NVR
to record in advance when an event is triggered. The “post-alarm”
time sets the NVR to continue recording for a period of time after an
event trigger is finished.
Recording frame rate allows you to set different frame rate for dif-
ferent types of recording instead of recording at one frame rate only.
Use the drop-down menu and select one of the pre-defined frame
rates for a particular recording type
* The “Pre-alarm” function only
works when the “Continueous”
recording is also activated.
Users can also set to keep a previous number of days of recording
data by enabling the option below. This is quite often used in applica-
tion such as banking which certain countries requires to always keep
a minimum previous number of days of recording data.
* If this option is enabled, once the hard drive is full, the recycle function will
then start but it will ensure that the number of days of recording data defined
here will stay in hard drive instead of wiping out 20GB of data at a time.
* If the hard drive is not full, the NVR re-calculates twice a day (each at
2:30am and 2:30pm) to keep the defined number of days of recording data
from these two particular point of time backward.