3-1 Warnings
Warnings for Design
Designing switches that can cause human injuries and/or property damages on the Touch Screen is strictly
prohibited. Unintentional output signals due to malfunction of the main body, units, and/or cables can cause
serious injuries. Design the system so that switches with major functions are equipped on devices other than
the EMG7 itself.
Designing safety related switches on EMG7 is prohibited. Switches related to safety, such as emergency stop
switches, should be made on a different hardware.
Design the system so there is no malfunctions due to communication anomalies between the host controller
and the EMG7. It can cause human injuries and/or property damages.
Do not use EMG7 as a major warning device that may cause injuries/serious material damages, and or
production stoppage. Control devices related to critical warning displays and warnings should be structured
on an independent, redundant hardware system or a mechanical interlock.
EMG7 is not intended for use for aircraft equipment, aerospace instruments, trunk line communication
equipment, nuclear power control equipment, and medical equipment that concerns life support, and or other
equipment that concerns high reliability and safety. It cannot be used for these purposes.
When using the EMG7 for purposes that concern high reliability and safety of functions and accuracy, such
as transport equipment (trains, automobiles, ships, etc.), crime/disaster prevention devices, various safety
devices, and medical equipment that does not concern life support, be sure to have safety features including
redundancy and false operation prevention measures incorporated into the entire system.
Display will black out when the backlight goes out. If mistakenly operated in this condition, it might result in
improper operation. Do not design touch-switches that might cause human injuries and material damages on
the EMG7:
Below symptoms will occur when the backlight goes out:
1: Display goes out when “backlight off” function is not set.
2: Display does not recover when display is touched after display goes out with “backlight off” function set.
Warnings for Handling
Do not modify/disassemble the EMG7. It may cause fire and/or electric shocks.
Do not use around flammable gas. It may cause explosions.
Do not put any kind of liquid, such as water, and metals in to the product. It may cause fires and/or electric