B6-PSU Power Supply Unit, Technical Description, T 811 039 en a
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The following documentation is valid for the SecuriFire B6-PSU Power Supply Unit with edition EG072950--.
The B6-PSU (
Power Supply Unit
) is fitted in the map case of every SecuriFire 1000/2000 on the right and next to the main
control unit.
Compatibility notice
The B6-PSU is included in the basic configuration of each SecuriFire 1000/2000 and is supported regardless of
the SecuriFire software.
Design and function
The B6-PSU Power Supply Unit is an internal 4 A power sup-
ply unit, and together with the B6-BCU main control unit it
forms the basis of the B6 hardware platform.
The B6-PSU supplies the required output voltage of 3.3 V, 5 V
and 27 V to each SecuriFire 1000/2000. In the event of mains
failure, the standards-compliant battery buffered DC voltage
for the SCP and peripheral devices must be ensured. This is
accomplished by connecting two (or four) batteries of a type
which has been tested by VdS and approved by Securiton AG.
The batteries are connected on the bottom side of the B6-PSU
with a 2-pin terminal and monitored.
Fig. 1 B6-PSU
The B6-PSU has a map case made of galvanised sheet steel.
It is always fitted next to the B6-BCU main control unit on the
right and connected via a 64-pin male connector.
On the underside of the power supply unit is a 10-pin plug-in
screw terminal to which external consumers can be connected
via five separately fused outputs.
Two batteries (15...18 Ah) can be connected to the power
supply unit to supply emergency power.