Radio Key
Transponders (Key Tags and Cards) are pre-
encoded and engraved at the factory with unique Transponder
ID numbers. Because these numbers are unique, Facility
Codes (Site Codes) are not required. The steps for adding
and deleting users is different from the RK-65K. Follow the
directions on the following pages.
Transponder ID Numbers are not pre-programmed into the Radio
100M; you must add them to the system as described below.
Radio Key
100M allows you to assign a Transponder to each User ID
Number (1 - 100) for programming purposes. The User ID Number
is associated with the individual person using the transponder.
Be sure to record the User ID Number, the Transponder ID
Number and the user’s name, and keep this information in a
secure place. A blank User Log Form has been included for
this convenience.
Because a new Transponder ID Number can be assigned to any
available User ID Number, the reader always has capacity to
store 100 Transponders, even after many Transponders have
been voided from the reader.
Radio Key
RK-65K Operating Guide
Secura Key