Fault Diagnostics
Drain pump
Water switch
Aqua sensor
Customer fault (error) codes
Some error codes can be seen by
. Viewing the error code
Failure Memory)
chart, the last two columns (under
“Customer Failure display”
show error codes seen by customers in the digital display. The first two
columns (under
“Customer Service Failure display”
) show error codes seen in
the error code program. Error code displays are identical – the only difference
being some service error codes (e.g. E:08, E:16) can’t be seen by customers.
Digital display
E:23 Coil error
System check of drain pump motor
coil failed, functional safety error.
Replace drain pump
E:24 No drain flow possible
Drain pump is running but unable
to remove the water, drain system
Check for blockage of drain
E:25 Blockage
Drain pump unable to rotate,
attempts to clear failed.
Digital display
E:28 Calibration failure
Aqua sensor failed to calibrate
Digital display
E:26 Reference cam not detected
Code not used (no water switch)
Check for debris at drain