3000mm dia. Ocean Buoy
Latest products and information available at www.sealite.com
Check Components
Unpack all components from container. Inspect all components for any damage. Please alert Sealite if any component is missing or damaged.
Step 1
Position the Mooring Post upside down on flat level ground.
Step 2
Turn the 4 x Float Sections upside down, to match the mooring post.
Position the 4 x Float Sections around the Mooring Post and start securing 2 x float sections together using 8x
M16 Bolts, nuts and washers.
Please coat each bolt in Anti-Seize or Grease before fitting
Step 3
Place a flat washer on the bolt before sliding it through the hole in the Float Section, then fit a second flat
washer and a Spring washer on to the bolt before securing with a nut.
Hand tighten 2 – 4 bolts per side until all four Float sections
are secured around the mooring post.
Secure 8 x bolts down each joint on the Float Sections.
Leave the Mooring post and Float to settle for 4 hours or overnight before tightening each bolt a second
Giving the buoy time to relax in the fitted position will create a better joint.
Step 4
(Only required if you have purchased the
SLB3000-Strap Kit.
This Kit includes all parts required to secure the
Stainless Steel Straps around the Float Sections)
Fit and secure the 4 x Float Straps around the top and bottom of the Float.
Position 2 x Float Straps on the ground and join the two Straps
together by placing 1 x Tie Rod through the holes and 1 x M16
Nut on each side.
Repeat this for the second set of Straps.
Wrap the Float Straps around the Float Section and join the
loose side using a Tie Rod and 2 x nuts.
Repeat for the second Float Strap
When the Float Straps are fitted in position tighten the nuts on
the Tie Rods and add a Spring Washer and second nut to each
Tighten all nuts securely.
Assembly Instructions