SL-155-5D/10D Models (integrated AIS)
6-13NM Marine Lanterns
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Example RATDMA schedule
A typical transmission schedule requires that the AIS AtoN transceiver transmit AIS
message #21 every three minutes on alternating channels. The transmission schedule is
presented diagrammatically in the following figure:
This schedule can be configured using the following values:
• Channel 1 start UTC = 00:00 (the first minute of every hour)
• Channel 1 interval = 6 minutes
• Channel 2 start UTC = 00:03 (the third minute of every hour)
• Channel 2 interval = 6 minutes
The transceiver is now configured to report message #21 on channel 1 every 6th minute,
and on channel 2 every 6th minute, but offset by three minutes from channel 1. This results
in a transmission of message #21 every three minutes on alternating channels. The exact
timings of the transmissions within the selected minute will vary as the transceiver selects
available slots using RATDMA.