Transceiver configuration
The following sections describe the configuration options available and their effect on the
behaviour of the transceiver. Configuration of an AIS AtoN transceiver requires knowledge
of the local AIS environment and may require interaction with shore infrastructure.
Familiarity with the current IALA guidelines on the use of AIS Aids to Navigation (IALA
A-126) is assumed.
Configuration of ‘Real’ AtoN parameters
The following parameters associated with the ‘real’ AIS AtoN transceiver should be
configured via the ‘Real AtoN’ tab:
The MMSI number associated with the ‘real’ AtoN. Typically the MMSI number for a ‘real’
AtoN station follows the format 99MID1XXX where MID is the appropriate national MID
and XXX is a number unique to this station.
• Name
The name of the AtoN station as broadcast to other AIS users. Up to 34 characters are
available for the name.
• Type of AtoN
Select from a list of possible types of AtoN. The types are as defined by IALA in IALA
• Type of EPFS
Select the type of EPFS (Electronic Position Fixing System) used by the transceiver. Note
this selection does not affect the hardware configuration, only the contents of the ‘Type
of EPFS’ field in transmitted AtoN position reports. The transceiver is equipped with a
GPS module by default.
Alternatively for a fixed or shore based transceiver a surveyed position type can be
selected. Note that when the surveyed position is selected the surveyed position is
broadcast to other AIS users and GNSS position information is ignored.
• Nominal position
Enter the nominal or charted position of the AtoN. This is the position transmitted to
other AIS users for a fixed AtoN when the ‘Surveyed’ EPFS type is selected. For all other
configurations this position is used to perform ‘off position’ calculations only; the actual
GNSS position is broadcast to other users.
• The application can average the current GNSS position over 5 minutes and use this
value for the nominal position. Click the ‘Get GNSS position’ button to the right of the
latitude and longitude fields to begin this process.
• The position accuracy can only be entered when the type of EPFS is set to
‘Surveyed’. The accuracy should be set in accordance with the accuracy of the
surveyed position.