XVII. Troubleshooting Guide
Light does not power ON
Make sure battery is fully charged and contacts are clean. Thor-
oughly clean all the contacts using pencil eraser. Replace battery if
it has become wet or is damaged.
Dark pictures/videos
Keep your shooting distance inside of 3ft (1m). The closer the better.
Adjust your camera exposure settings. Select higher ISO and/or
exposure value (EV) to brighten the image.
Pictures of videos too blue
Make sure to use the yellow barrier filter over your dive mask and
camera. If resulting picture is still too blue, try using different white
balance settings. Each camera is different, so Daylight white bal-
ance may not get the best results compared to other WB settings.
For updated information and advice, please refer to the SeaLife
website at www.sealife-cameras.com or contact your local SeaLife
dealer or service center for help.