XV. Fluoro Diving Tips
Practice makes perfect
There is no better way to learn than from your mistakes. Become
familiar with your camera controls so you can make quick adjust-
ments depending on the conditions. Take the time to practice and
experiment with different settings. Review your pictures and learn
from your mistakes.
Video tips
Hold the camera as steady as possible and move (pan) very slowly.
A jumpy, fast-moving video is hard for anyone to watch and can
actually cause motion sickness. Avoid shooting video clips more
than 1 minute. It is difficult to edit a lengthy video clips because
the large file size. You can always patch together short video scene
into a longer movie using video editing software, like Microsoft
Movie Maker or Mac iMovie.
Always observe dive safety rules and never touch marine life
Do not let photography distract you from diving safely. Observe
marine life - Never touch marine life. Be aware of your surround-
ings to avoid contacting anything. Keep your dive gear close to
your body.