WARNING! Familiarise yourself with the hazards of brake fluid - read the manufacturer’s instructions on the container.
4.1. Preparing unit for use.
4.1.1. Before using on a vehicle for the first time, it is necessary to bleed all air out of the unit's system.
4.1.2. Half fill the unit's reservoir with fluid of the required specification, but do not replace the filler cap, connect the power cable to a suitable
battery, ensuring that the power switch (fig.2) is in the "off" position and the pressure relief valve (fig.2) is at the closed (fully
clockwise) position.
4.1.3. Attach the an adapter to the pressure delivery hose's quick-fit coupling at the end of the bleed pipe. Hold the cap over the open neck of
the unit reservoir so that fluid will be expelled from the adapter into the reservoir.
4.1.4. Turn the unit to the "on" position at the switch (fig.2), as brake fluid is drawn through the unit, air will be expelled from the system.
Increase the pressure by turning the pressure relief valve (fig. 2) halfway between its maximum and minimum positions. When fluid
without any air bubbles present flows from the delivery hose, turn the unit off.
4.1.5. Remove the adapter from the open top of the unit reservoir and replace the filler cap. Further bleeding will not be required unless the
bleed pipe is disconnected from the hose's quick fit coupling. The unit is now ready to use.
VS0207 Issue: 2(L) - 22/02/17
Original Language Version
© Jack Sealey Limited