Have plenty of fresh water, soap and baking soda nearby for use, in case battery acid contacts your eyes, skin, or clothing.
Wear complete eye and body protection, including safety goggles and protective clothing. Avoid touching your eyes while working near
the battery.
If battery acid contacts your skin or clothing, immediately wash the area with soap and water. If acid enters your eye, immediately flood
the eye with cold running water for at least 10 minutes and get medical attention right away.
if battery acid is accidentally swallowed, drink milk, the whites of eggs or water.
induce vomiting. seek medical attention
neutralize any acid spills thoroughly with baking soda before attempting to clean up.
This product contains a lithium ion battery. In case of fire, you may use water, a foam extinguisher, Halon, CO2, ABC dry chemical,
powdered graphite, copper powder or soda (sodium carbonate) to extinguish the fire. Once the fire is extinguished, douse the product
with water, an aqueous-based extinguishing agent, or other non alcoholic liquids to cool the product and prevent the battery from re-
igniting. neVer attempt to pick up or move a hot, smoking, or burning product, as you may be injured.
ELECTRICAL SAFETy (with respect to mains chargers)
It is the user’s responsibility to check the following:
You must check the Ac adaptor to ensure that it is safe before using.
you must
inspect the power supply lead, plugs and all electrical
connections for wear and damage.
you must
ensure the risk of electric shock is minimised by the installation of appropriate safety devices. An rccB (residual current
Breaker) should be incorporated in the main distribution board. We recommend that an rcd (residual current device) is used
with all electrical products.
it is particularly important to use an rcd with portable products that plug into an electrical supply not protected by an rccB. if in doubt
consult a qualified electrician. You can obtain a residual current device through your sealey stockist.
you must
read and understand instructions concerning electrical safety.
Electricity At Work Act 1989
requires all portable electrical appliances, if used on business premises, to be tested by a qualified
person, using a Portable Appliance tester (PAt), at least once a year.
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
makes owners of electrical appliances responsible for the safe condition of the appliance and
the safety of the appliance operator. if in any doubt about electrical safety, contact a qualified electrician.
ensure that the insulation on all cables and the product itself is safe before connecting to the mains power supply.
ensure that cables are always protected against short circuit and overload.
regularly inspect power supply, leads, plugs for wear and damage and power connections to ensure that none is loose.
check product voltage is the same as power supply to be used and check that all fused plugs are fitted with the correct capacity fuses.
owered by lithium-ion technology and fully protected against reverse charging and overload. A dedicated 12V jump starter pack that benefits
from being lightweight but still provides high power output. digital display gives step by step instructions. capable of starting an average 5ltr
petrol or 3.6ltr diesel engine. features safe start protection with a sixty second cool down period between start attempts. li-ion batteries have
numerous advantages over lead acid, including a flat discharge curve, this ensures a greater extended performance and holds the charge for
up to five times longer with high energy density levels giving more battery power per gram. The high power lithium battery coupled with two
usB (5V/2.1A) outlets, can also supply up to ten full charges for smart phones and mp3 players or two full charges for your tablet. supplied with
automatic maintenance charger that featuresdedicated lithium charging algorithms and Patented microprocessor controlled speed charging,
with thermal runaway protection.includes a 12V port to be used with accessory socket adaptor supplied. the unit can act as a memory saver
during vehicle diagnostics (also requires Vs2073 for details visit www.sealey.co.uk).
model no: ...................................................................... sl2s
starting current: .............................................................540A
Voltage: ............................................................................12V
Auxiliary output: ........................................ 2 x usB - 5V/2.1A
cable & clamp length: ................................................ 508mm
size (W x d x H):.....................................290 x 125 x 190mm
Weight: ............................................................................. 3kg
maximum starting capacity: ...................Petrol 5l, diesel 3.6l
capacity: .................. 24000mAh @ 3.2V, 6000mAh @ 12.8V
Peak amps: ....................................................................800A
risK of contAct WitH BAtterY Acid. BAtterY Acid is A HiGHlY corrosiVe sulPHuric Acid.
make sure the area around the battery is well ventilated while the unit is in use.
clean the battery terminals before using the jump starter. during cleaning, keep airborne corrosion from coming into contact with your
eyes, nose and mouth. use baking soda and water to neutralize the battery acid and help eliminate airborne corrosion.
your eyes, nose or mouth.
Determine the voltage of the battery by referring to the vehicle owner’s manual and make sure that the output voltage is 12V.
Make sure that the unit’s cable clamps make tight connections.
A sPArK neAr tHe BAtterY mAY cAuse A BAtterY eXPlosion. to reduce tHe risK of A sPArK neAr
tHe BAtterY:
Attach the output cables to the battery and chassis as indicated below. never allow the output clamps to touch each other.
Position the dc cables to reduce the risk of damage by the bonnet, door and moving or hot engine parts. note: if it is necessary to
close the bonnet during the jump starting process, ensure that the bonnet does not touch the metal part of the battery clips or cut the
insulation of the cables.
stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys and other parts that can cause injury.
sl2s | issue 1 27/07/17
Original Language Version
© Jack sealey limited