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PrIMIng The gun



Before loading the gun with a cartridge or filling via a grease bucket, it is ideal to prime the gun.


to prime the gun simply pack grease into the cavity located at the entrance of the gun assembly (where the grease tube screws into  


the gun) and operate the trigger, this will induce the intake of grease into the gun assembly. 




to operate the gun simply push the grease outlet onto the grease nipple and operate the trigger until the desired amount of grease has  


been delivered. If you encounter air pockets during operation exert force on the plunger (fig.3) and depress the Vent valve (fig 4) 


while operating the trigger in short, sharp bursts until grease begins to flow from the nozzle.



When greasing has finished there is still pressure in the flexible hose. Before disconnecting for the greasing point it is necessary   


relieve this pressure. This is achieved by the use of the Pressure Relief valve (fig.4).


When the grease gun is not in use turn the red locking button on the side of the gun to the “locK” position.


to check the remaining battery power, press and hold down the led display button on the top of the grease gun. A gauge will appear  


on the display, showing the percentage of battery charge left.





5.  TrouBleshooTIng

Original Language Version

© Jack sealey limited

cPG18V.V3 | issue 1  24/11/17

sealey group, kempson Way, suffolk Business Park, Bury st edmunds, suffolk. IP32 7ar

 01284 757500 

 01284 703534 

 [email protected]


: it is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior 



: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.


: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which is required for any claim.


Possible cause

corrective Action

motor fails to run

- Battery needs charging

- faulty wiring to motor

- recharge battery

- remove battery, disassemble handle and check wiring for loose 


 Grease gun fails to 

dispense grease.

-  Grease tube is out of grease.

-  loss of prime.

-  check valve is not functioning.

-  check that the tube contains grease.

-  repeat priming operation.

-  remove check valve, clean and inspect the valve seat.

Grease gun continues 

to lose prime.

- Air may be trapped in locations 

throughout the grease tube ass’y after 

bulk filling.

-  Grease tube follower may be binding.

-  empty grease tube ass’y, refill and repeat priming operation.

-  replace grease tube ass’y.

Battery fails to charge

- charger may not have power.

- Battery may be dead.

- check the mains charger is providing power.

envIronMenT ProTecTIon

recycle unwanted materials instead of disposing of them as waste. All tools, accessories and packaging should be sorted, taken to 
a recycling centre and disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment. When the product becomes completely 
unserviceable and requires disposal, drain any fluids (if applicable) into approved containers and dispose of the product and fluids 
according to local regulations.

BaTTerY reMoval (unclIP FroM handle Base )

under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators regulations 2009, Jack sealey ltd are required to inform potential purchasers of products 
containing batteries (as defined within these regulations), that they are registered with Valpak’s registered compliance scheme. Jack 
sealey ltd’s Batteries Producer registration number (BPrn) is BPrn00705.

