Instruction Manual.
C/A glue.
Elevator control horn.
Metal clevis.
Rudder pushrod.
M2 lock nut.
Control horn.
5) With both the rudder servo and rudder
centered, mark the rudder pushrod at the hole
it crosses in the rudder servo arm using a felt-
tipped pen.
6) Enlarge the outer hole in the rudder servo
arm using a drill bit. Bend the pushrod wire at
the mark made in the last step. Pass the wire
through the servo arm and secure it using a
nylon wire keeper. Remove any unused arms
from the servo horn.
Elevator control horn.
4) Elevator and rudder pushrods assembly
as pictures below.
3) Thread one clevis and M2 lock nut on
to each elevator control rod. Thread the horns
on until they are flush with the ends of the con-
trol rods.