Instruction Manual.
2) Place the servo between the mounting
blocks and space it from the hatch. Use a
pencil to mark the mounting hole locations
on the blocks.
3) Use drill bit in a pin vise to drill the mout-
ing holes in the blocks.
4) Apply 2-3 drops of thin C/A to each of the
mounting holes. Allow the C/A to cure with-
out using accelerator.
5) Use dental floss to secure the connection
so they cannot become unplugged.
6) Secure the servo to the aileron hatch using
Phillips screwdriver and the screws provided
with the servo.
7) Apply 1-2 drops of thin C/A to each of the
mounting tabs. Allow the C/A to cure with-
out using accelerator.
8) A string has been provided in the wing
to pull the aileron lead through to the wing
root. Remove the string from the wing at
the servo location and use the tape to attach
it to the servo extension lead. Pull the lead
through the wing and remove the string.