Lyve Rack R1 Installation Guide
7.5 | Network address allocation and
reservation summary
In compliance with the above requirements, the steps to allocate network address and reservation:
From the Lyve Rack R1 accessories box, locate the "Lyve Rack R1 Information Sheet". This sheet
is important to the network configuration and should be kept safe.
With this sheet and working with the network administrator, configure the site DHCP (if chosen)
and DNS Server for the IP allocations described below. It is recommended that the allocated IP
addresses are written down in the spaces provided in the Information Sheet as these will be
referred to later. Refer to the sample Information sheet in section 7.1 | General requirements for
network configuration under Example Network Domain subnet administration settings.
If a DHCP server is used, statically allocate 3x IP addresses per server, that is, a total of 6 IP
addresses tied to the MAC addresses of the network interfaces shown on the Information
Sheet. So, for each server:
1x IP for Management Interface MAC.
1x IP for BMC Interface MAC.
1x IP for Public Data Interface MAC.
Reserve 2x IP addresses for the Lyve Rack R1 Cluster. So, for the cluster:
1x IP for Management VIP used for CORTX Manager
1x IP for Data VIP used for Lyve Rack R1 Object Store Address
On the DNS server, add fully qualified domain names (FQDN) entries for each of the two
allocated IP addresses for the Lyve Rack R1 Cluster. So, for the cluster:
1x FQDN for Management VIP used for CORTX Manager
1x FQDN for Data VIP used for Lyve Rack R1 Object Store Address
2x FQDN for Management Interface Addresses: 1 each per server. Please ensure these
host names are assigned via DHCP.