Your Sea Hunt has many features and accessories that have exist-
ing printed material provided by the various equipment manufacturers.
This information is compiled in a package that we will reference
throughout this manual. Consult your Sea Hunt Owner’s Manual and
Engine Manual to advise on proper operation, maintenance intervals,
specifications, warranty, and other useful information.
While reading your Sea Hunt Owner’s Manual, you will find other
technical literature referenced as resources for detailed information.
When you take delivery of your new Sea Hunt it will also consist of
several other items that you will need to become familiar with, such as
operation guides, informative labels, and product warranties. Your
Owner’s Manual can also be used to record other boat specifics such
as maintenance records and additional equipment and accessories
installed after delivery.
The Sea Hunt warranty is located on the last page of this manual.
Upon the purchase of your new Sea Hunt boat, the dealer will fill out a
warranty card. This card will be kept on file at the dealership and at
the Sea Hunt factory. A copy will be provided for your records and
should be kept with other valuable documents for future reference. For
questions regarding your warranty please contact your dealership.
In addition to complying with all applicable United States Coast Guard
(USCG) safety requirements, Sea Hunt Boats are certified by the National Marine
Manufacturers Association (NMMA). The NMMA specifies the standards pub-
lished by the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) to be followed in the de-
sign and manufacture of recreational vessels. See http://www.nmma.org/
certification/programs/boats/ for more details.
Your new Sea Hunt is built with pride and the utmost care is taken
to make your ownership experience memorable. Every Sea Hunt goes
through a rigorous quality control inspection throughout the entire
manufacturing process. Subsequent to the final factory overview your
dealer must perform additional pre-delivery checks and approve your
Sea Hunt for delivery.