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February 12, 2015
Proper installation is the responsibility of the licensed installer and electrician.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under warranty.
Quick Install
1. Attach cardboard template to the ceiling using the center point for placement. The printed side is
exposed to the room.
2. Locate and mark the 4 holes for the mounting threaded rods. These are for alignment purposes
only, do not drill holes.
3. Punch holes through template at each corner of cassette outline.
4. Draw straight lines connecting the holes to show the outline of the cassette.
5. Cut ceiling for cassette outline.
6. Securely mount 4 threaded rods to rafters or other secure mount. Threaded rods must be able to
hold 4 times the weight of the cassette (minimum).
7. Install 4 nuts onto the threaded rod and level in all directions.
8. Install two flat washers and another nut loosely on the threaded rod.
Hang cassette on the threaded rods using the slotted hangers. Cassette must be hung leveled
and positioned approximately 1/2” above ceiling to allow for a tight compression of sealing
gasket foam.
9. When grille is attached minor adjustments can be made so the grille is flush against the ceiling
with no gaps.
10. Recheck unit for level in all directions. This is a must for the internal condensate pump to drain
11. Connect refrigerant lines.
12. Connect drain lines.
13. Connect outdoor wiring to cassette.
14. Connect wall thermostat if being used.
15. Attach grille loosely with 4 screws.
16. Connect the 6 and 8 pin connectors and secure wiring.
17. Tighten the 4 screws holding the grille to the cassette.
18. The grille must be flush with ceiling with no gaps. Minor adjustments may be made with the nuts
holding the cassette.
19. Recheck all nuts for tightness; thread lock may be used to secure mounting nuts.
20. Install filter cover and filter.
21. Slide latches into place and install 2 screws to hold latches closed.
22. Connect the line set and interconnect wires to outdoor unit.
23. Do a final inspection of the installation.
24. Test unit in cooling and heating modes. Explain operation to customer.
25. For a more in depth explanation of the installation see details below.
Condensate Pump
The indoor unit is equipped with a condensate pump and float switch. If cassette is not properly leveled it
could cause the unit to leak water into the room.