Manual revision 017
Section 1: Introduction
SBE 33
Section 1: Introduction
This section includes photos of a typical SBE 33
About this Manual
This manual is to be used with the SBE 33 Carousel Deck Unit. It is organized
to guide the user from installation through operation. We’ve included detailed
specifications, setup and operation descriptions, and helpful notes throughout
the manual.
The SBE 33 can be used with an SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler or an
SBE 55 ECO Water Sampler, and with a number of Sea-Bird CTDs.
See the
appropriate water sampler manual for details on rigging the water
sampler for operation; see the appropriate CTD manual for CTD setup.
The SBE 33 can also be used with the Power and Data Interface Module
(PDIM) and a number of Sea-Bird CTDs when a Water Sampler is not
available or needed. The PDIM provides the same power and CTD data
interface functionality as the SBE 32 or 55 Water Sampler, but without water
sampling capability.
Sea-Bird welcomes suggestions for new features and enhancements of our
products and/or documentation. Please contact us with any comments or
suggestions ([email protected] or 425-643-9866). Our business hours are
Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1700 Pacific Standard Time (1600 to 0100
Universal Time) in winter and 0800 to 1700 Pacific Daylight Time (1500 to
0000 Universal Time) the rest of the year.