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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
A. Tool 1 LED:
Illuminates green when tool 1 is
properly grounded and free of electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Illuminates red and audible alarm
sounds when tool 1 is not properly grounded or EMI is
B. Operator 1 LEDs:
Illuminates green when operator
1 is properly grounded and his/her body voltage level is
below the preset alarm level. Illuminates solid red and
audible alarm sounds when operator 1 is not properly
grounded. Blinks red and audible alarm sounds when
the body voltage on operator 1 is above the preset
alarm level.
C. Operator 2 LEDs:
Illuminates green when operator
2 is properly grounded and his/her body voltage level is
below the preset alarm level. Illuminates solid red and
audible alarm sounds when operator 2 is not properly
grounded. Blinks red and audible alarm sounds when
the body voltage on operator 2 is above the preset
alarm level.
D. Tool 2 LED:
Illuminates green when tool 2 is
properly grounded and free of electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Illuminates red and audible alarm
sounds when tool 2 is not properly grounded or EMI is
E. Mat 1 LED:
Illuminates green when mat 1 is properly
grounded. Illuminates red and audible alarm sounds
when mat 1 is not properly grounded.
F. Power LED:
Illuminates solid yellow when the
monitor is powered. Blinks yellow when the monitor is
powered and communicating to SMP Server.
G. Mat 2 LED:
Illuminates green when mat 2 is properly
grounded. Illuminates red and audible alarm sounds
when mat 2 is not properly grounded.
H. Monitored Tool 1 Terminal:
Monitors a metal tool
for proper conductive resistance and electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Use 25-28 AWG wire to connect the
metal tool to this terminal.
I. Monitored Tool 2 Terminal:
Monitors a metal tool
for proper conductive resistance and electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Use 25-28 AWG wire to connect the
metal tool to this terminal.
J. Monitored Mat 1 Terminal:
Monitors a worksurface
mat for proper dissipative resistance. Use one of
the included white mat monitor cords to connect the
worksurface mat to this terminal.
K. Monitored Mat 2 Terminal:
Monitors a worksurface
mat for proper dissipative resistance. Use one of
the included white mat monitor cords to connect the
worksurface mat to this terminal.
L. Tool 1 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Tool 1 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Tool 1 monitor circuit.
M. Tool 2 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Tool 2 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Tool 2 monitor circuit.
N. Mat 1 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Mat 1 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Mat 1 monitor circuit.
O. Mat 2 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Mat 2 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Mat 2 monitor circuit.
P. Operator 1 Remote Connector:
Use one of the
included mini-DIN operator remote cables to connect a
operator remote to this connector.
Q. Operator 2 Remote Connector:
Use one of the
included mini-DIN operator remote cables to connect a
operator remote to this connector.
R. Power Jack:
Connect the included 7.5VDC power
adapter here.
S. Ground Terminal:
Common ground point for the
T. Audible Alarm Switch:
Enables and disables the
monitor's audible alarm.
U. Ethernet Jack:
Provides network communication
between the WS Aware Monitor and
Static Management
Program (SMP)
V. Relay Terminal:
Integrates with electronic tools,
lights, buzzers, etc.