SCS TB-9017 User Manual Download Page 5


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Test Procedure for Resistance Point to Point


If required clean electrodes as described in Test 

Weight Cleaning section below.

B.  Before testing new floor mats or newly installed 

floors, clean mats/floors per manufacturer’s 

recommendations. For testing of floor finishes or 

monitoring of existing floor materials, test in an as-is 


C.  Perform tests at ambient humidity.

D.  Place the Megohmmeter and test weight at the 

desired test location.

E.  Connect test leads of the meter to the test weights.

F.  Set meter to 100V. Place test weights three feet 

apart on the surface of the material being tested.

G.  Push test button and record the resistance after the 

measurement has stabilized or after 15 seconds. 

Release test button.

H.  Repeat the procedure placing the test weights three 

feet apart on the surface at different locations.

I.  Perform a minimum of five tests per contiguous floor 

surface material or a minimum of five tests per 5,000 

square feet (464.5 m2) of floor material, whichever is 

greater. A minimum of three of the five tests should 

be conducted in those areas that are subject to wear 

or have chemical or water spillage or are visibly dirty.


Battery Replacement

Before attempting to replace battery, place main selector 

switch in the OFF position.

The circuitry enclosed in the SCS 701 Analog Surface 

Resistance Megohmmeter Kit produces high voltages. 

Make sure that the main selector switch is in the OFF 

position before removing the back cover.
1.  To open the back cover, remove the screw located in 

the center of the back cover.


The batteries are held in place by a metal bracket at 

the top of the Megohmmeter. To release this bracket, 

turn the screw located in the center of the bracket 

counter clockwise until the bracket swings free. The 

batteries will now slide out.

3.  Install new batteries as shown in Figure 9. Note: 

Improper battery installation will damage the 


4.  Replace bracket and tighten bracket screw. Replace 

back cover and cover screw.

Batteries (2) 



1.5 volt AA Cell,






3.6 volt AA Cell Lithium

Recommended Batteries: Model TL-5903 TADIRAN,

ER6 Maxell, Saft LS 14500, Zeus ER14505

Cleaning the 5 lbs. Electrodes

Caution: The test probes included in this kit are heavy.

Exercise care in handling. After a period of use, the

conductive rubber pads on the test weights may become

soiled, causing the weight to fail the CONTINUITY TEST.

To clean the surface of the conductive pad, use a 70%

Isopropyl alcohol/water mixture on a clean low-linting

cloth. Allow surface to “air dry” 15 minutes before use.

Zero Adjustment

On occasion, due to handling, vibration, or other causes,

the pointer on the Megohmmeter may need adjustmen 

To zero the pointer, turn the main selector switch to the 

OFF position. Place the Megohmmeter on a level stable 

surface and turn the mechanical zero adjust screw until 

the pointer is over the left most mark on the OHMS 



Frequency of recalibration should be based on the 

critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled and 

the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment and 

materials. In general, SCS recommends that calibration 

be performed annually.
In-house calibration can be performed by using ±1% 

tolerance resistors in each of the meter’s decade 

ranges. Connect the resistors to the test leads using 

clips and record the meter’s display. Minimize crossing 

the test leads when possible. Contact 

SCS Customer 


 should adjustments be necessary. Special 

equipment is required to adjust the meter.

Required Equipment


Digital Multimeter (±1.25% accuracy @10VDC and 


•  Resistance Decade Box with a range of 10

 to 10



ohms (±5% accuracy)


99% Isopropyl Alcohol and Cleaning Wipes


Figure 9. Replacing the batteries
