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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
Turn off the Megohmmeter before connecting or
disconnecting test leads, or before moving test
Turn off the Megohmmeter when not in use to save
battery life.
• Do not use this Megohmmeter to measure live
• The following procedures should be followed each
time the Megohmmeter is used.
Battery Test
Place the Megohmmeter on a table top or other stable
surface. Set the main selector switch to BATTERY
TEST. Press TEST and hold for 15 seconds. The pointer
should come to rest in the green area of the BATTERY
scale. If the pointer is in the red area to the left of 100V,
replace the battery and retest. If the pointer is in the red
area to the right of 100V, the megohmmeter may need
Continuity Test
Place the Megohmmeter on a table top or other stable
surface and attach the leads as shown in Figure . Place
the test weights on the calibration plate or other bare
metal surface and plug in the test leads. Set the main
selector switch to CONTINUITY TEST. Press TEST.
The pointer should come to rest in the green section of
the CONTINUITY scale. If not, the test leads may be
defective or the weights may require maintenance or
Figure 3. Performing a continuity test
Surface Test (Resistance Measurement)
Refer to the two following sections to determine which
measurement(s) should be used for your application.
Place the Megohmmeter on a table top or other stable
surface and attach the leads as shown in the appropriate
sketch figures 5-1 through 5-5. Set the Main Selector
Switch to the desired SURFACE TEST voltage. Place
the test weight(s) on the surface to be tested and
connect the test leads. Press TEST for 15 seconds and
then read the resistance from the OHMS scale. After all
readings have been completed, return the Main Selector
Switch to the OFF position.
Resistance Measurement of Static
Control Worksurfaces
This section provides a summary of the types of surface
measurements specified and described by ESD-S4.1.
Measurements are performed for three reasons:
1. Periodic performance testing of installed static
control work surfaces.
Qualification of installed static control work surfaces.
3. Evaluation of static control work surface materials.
Note: The following paragraphs are offered as
a condensed summary of the test methods and
procedures outlined in the EOS/ESD standard. For
complete details, refer to the standard.
Test Description
1. Periodic Performance Testing Of Installed Static
Control Surfaces: (Measurement of resistance from
the top of an installed surface to ESD GROUND
(RTS-ESDG) at ambient temperature and humidity).
Note: ESD GROUND is the point at which the ground
cord or other grounding conductor from the static
control surface is connected. The ground point may be
an electrical ground, building ground, or other suitable
ground. If you have questions concerning the correct
ground, refer to ANSI/ESD STANDARD S6.1 and/or
contact a qualified electrician.
This Resistance-to-Ground test verifies the surface
is working correctly and will drain a static charge in a
reasonable time. This test involves measurement of the
total resistance from the static control surface through
the conductor or ground cord to the ESD GROUND
(ESDG), verifying the static control system is functioning
Note: ESD-S4.1 suggests that a static control surface
that measures in the range of 1 x 10
ohms to 1 x 10
Figure 4. Periodic preformance tests of installed surfaces