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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
Dual Combination Tester
Installation, Operation and Maintenance
The SCS Dual Combination Tester verifies the
functionality of personnel grounding devices (wrist
, foot grounders, ESD shoes, smocks
). Three
independent tests are performed simultaneously on
the wrist strap and each foot. Green lights indicate a
pass condition. Red and yellow lights plus an audible
alarm indicate when the wrist strap and/or footwear (left
or right) have failed. DIP switches may be accessed
for test limit preferences. Access control to an ESD
Protected Area can be further enforced by using the
relay terminal on the Dual Combination Tester and
connecting it to an electronic door lock or turnstile
to grant access only to those who have passed their
personal grounding device tests. The Dual Combination
Tester is calibrated to NIST standards and includes a
SCS Dual Combination Tester Technology
• The solid-state touch test switch maintains test
accuracy and extends the lifetime of the tester
• The 30 volt test signal increases test reliability
The factory test limits are set to:
Wrist Straps: 750 kilohms and 10 megohms
750 kilohms and 35 megohms
(See page 3 for alternate test limit settings)
March 2019
The Dual Combination Tester and its accessories are
available as the following item numbers:
Dual Combination Tester
Stand, for Dual Combination Tester
Limit Comparator
Power Adapter, 100-240 VAC Input, 12 VDC
0.5 A Output, All Plugs
Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 section 7.3 “A Compliance
Verification Plan shall be established to ensure the
Organization’s fulfillment of the technical requirements
of the ESD Control Program Plan. Process monitoring
(measurements) shall be conducted in accordance
with a Compliance Verification Plan that identifies the
technical requirements to be verified, the measurement
limits and the frequency at which those verifications
shall occur. The Compliance Verification Plan shall
document the test methods and equipment used for
process monitoring and measurements. … The test
equipment selected shall be capable of making the
measurements defined in the Compliance Verification
Per ANSI/ESD S1.1 Annex A.3 Frequency of System
Testing “The wrist strap system should be tested daily to
ensure proper electrical resistance.”
“Compliance verification should be performed prior to
each use (daily, shift change, etc.). The accumulation
of insulative materials may increase the foot grounder
system resistance. If foot grounders are worn outside
the ESD protected area testing for functionality
before reentry to the ESD protected area should be
considered.” (ESD SP9.2 APPENDIX B - Foot Grounder
Usage Guidance)
Made in the
United States of America
Figure 1. SCS 770758 Dual Combination Tester and
Dual Foot Plate
1. The Dual Combination Tester can verify single-wire and dual-wire
wrist straps.
2. The Dual Combination Tester will also test a Groundable Static
Control Garment System. The Groundable Static Control Garment
System must have an RTG of < 3.5 x 10
ohms to meet the
required limit of ANSI/ESD S20.20 tested per ANSI/ESD STM2.1
and ESD TR53.