the gap between the clod roller and the spiral roller which will affect the separating of the
machine. Therefore it is important to adjust all other spring tension adjusters to obtain
equal gaps throughout the machine.
4. Clod
roller height Adjustment
5. Clod roller gap Adjustment
6. Do’s and dont’s
Never run the machine when the clod rollers are in contact with the spiral rollers (there
must always be a gap present) or severe damage may occur!
If the clod rollers are in the extraction mode e.g. running in the opposite direction to the
spiral rollers it is permitted to have the rollers touching. Care must be taken however in
dry conditions as both rollers surface speeds should be similar as one may act as a
brake against the other. In wet conditions the clod roller can be run at a much slower
speed if required in the extraction mode.
Page 5
In order to adjust the Clod Roller height, there is a
turnbuckle adjuster or a linear ram located on the top
edge of the main panel. To adjust the height,
lengthen the turnbuckle to lower the clod rollers and
shorten it to lift the rollers. It is advisable to adjust
the turnbuckle in small amounts to avoid jamming of
the movement. As the turnbuckle adjust both sides
of the machine at once, both left and right settings
will remain equal.
Adjustment of the gap is achieved by firstly loosening
the 2 x M12 pinch bolts and then turning the starwheel
adjuster either forwards or backwards with a 19mm
socket. This adjusts all of the clod rollers together,
closer to or further away from the spiral rollers. Ensure
the gap on both sides of the machine is adjusted
equally by using the guide under the pointer. The
spring tension is not effected during this adjusting and
therefore will not need re-adjusting. Remember to re-
tighten pinch bolts after adjusting. To fine tune the gap
there is an M12 bolt which moves the clod rollers
individually and increases the spring tension (as
mentioned above).
Starwheel Adjuster