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Issue 1
Front Button
The front panel button is the primary alert method on the MPA3. When pressed it will send the pre-programmed alert
message to the pager and/or fixed receiving unit. The button can be configured to repeat the message up to 4 times,
configured in 5 second intervals up to 255 seconds.
If the repeat function is configured and the button is pressed the button will not function until all the repeats have been
transmitted or a cancel operation has been performed (see below). If the repeat function is not configured, an internal
button inhibit filter does not allow the button to function again for 30 seconds after a button press.
Note: if the front button is continuously pressed for greater than 3 seconds a secondary message is sent to pager address
0000008 indicating the firmware revision number. This is for dealer/engineering use only.
Necklace Button
An internal button is connected to the MPA3 neck cord. When this cord is pulled from its socket the device will transmit
a message to indicate that the cord has been disconnected. This message is continuously transmitted at configured
intervals until the cord is placed back correctly into it's socket. This is not cancelled by the "Cancel" operation described
The MPA3 incorporates a magnetic reed switch so that messages can be acknowledged and cancelled when attended to.
A magnet is used to activate the reed switch by placing the magnet against the side of the case as shown in the picture
below. This sends a message to confirm that the alert has been acknowledged and cancels any pending button repeat
alerts or accelerometer alert. If the users holds the magnet to the side of the Pendant casing for longer than 3 seconds,
the accelerometer is switched off so that the unit can be placed in sleep mode when not being used. When the magnet is
held to the side of the case for more than 3 seconds again then the accelerometer is turned back on. A message is
transmitted to confirm the current state of the accelerometer. If the device has not been configured to use the
accelerometer then the “Accelerometer off “ message only will be transmitted.
The MPA3 can be configured for specific functions of motion, tilt and shock and some combinations thereof.
Valid configurations are :
Shock Only
Motion Only
Shock and Motion
Shock and Tilt
Shock and Tilt
Shock, Motion and Tilt.
Motion and Tilt have a configurable time out associated with them and the device must fulfil the Motion/Tilt
requirements for all of the configured time to register an event. Note that the order of detection is Shock, Tilt, Motion.
In order for the unit to be configured as a fall sensor the tilt function works on the fact that the unit is under the set tilt
angle for the time out period. If the unit tilt angle is set to 45
, then if the unit is tilted below this angle and stays there
for longer than the time out value then this constitutes a tilt event. The reference angle for all tilt measurements is the
horizontal plane. If the unit is lying flat with the front button facing towards the ceiling then this is the zero angle
reference and any set tilt angle is with reference to this position. Tilt is measured left or right, up or down.
Motion and shock is measured on all 3 axis.
When an accelerometer event is triggered a message is transmitted every 30 seconds until the event is cancelled. The
LED will flash rapidly indicating that the device is in the triggered state.
Whenever the accelerometer is configured to measure the values listed above, the LED will briefly flash every 5
seconds to indicate to the user that the accelerometer is active and measuring.